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  1. puzzle,contest                                                                                                "MicroCommotion"                                                 Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2               4Puzzle-contest ($100 worth of software given as a prize).                                                                                                                                          
  2. help,Q&A,BSAVE,bug,WordStar,color,paper,standard,Lister,escape,VW                                             CROSSTALK                                                        Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2               81)BSAVE bug and correction, 2)Typos in listing (Nov 1983), 3)Met-hod of using printer to keep track of disk files, 4)WordStar 3.24& color,5)Color standard (paper),6)Mr.Lister,7)VW & escape char. 
  3. help,Q&A,Professional Editor,SpellStar,patch,PRINTSW,BASIC,stack N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              141)Professional Editor problems, 2)More on BASIC stack residence, 3)DOS 2.0/SpellStar patch, 4)Switching from LPT1 to LPT2 (using  PRINTSW).                                                        
  4. communication,RS-232,DTR,DSR,CD,standard,tutorial                K. Goldstein                                 COMM LINES - "DSR, DTR, CD, and All That Jazz"                   Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              22Tutorial on the RS-232 standard definitions for "Data Set Ready" (DSR), "Data Terminal Ready" (DTR), "Carrier Detect" (CD), and   other terminology and concepts.                                  
  5. company,interview,SSI,WordPerfect                                T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz                    "EXEC SSI: Practice Makes Perfect"                               Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              26Interview with the management of SSI, creators of WordPerfect.                                                                                                                                     
  6. DOS 2.0,GRAPHICS,ASSIGN,RECOVER,tutorial                         A. Boyd                                      SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "Graphics, Assign, Recover"                    Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              33Tutorial on some of the new external commands of DOS 2.0:        GRAPHICS, ASSIGN, and RECOVER.                                                                                                    
  7. finance,money,ProFin,Business Software,review                    K. Landis                                    MICRO FINANCE - "ProFin"                                         Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              42Review of a structured financial analysis package called ProFin  (by Business Software).                                                                                                           
  8. BASIC 2.0,command,undocumented                                   D. Rollins                                   "New BASIC Commands Uncovered"                                   Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              50A list of commands that are in Version 2.0 of BASICA, but were   not documented by Microsoft and IBM, are discussed.                                                                               
  9. Corona,portable,compatible,review                                J. Pitt                                      "Corona"                                                         Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              66Review of various products from Corona Data Systems (e.g., the   desktop PC and portable PC-compatibles).                                                                                          
  10. C language,debut,tutorial                                        R. Jaeschke                                  THE C SPOT - "A Tutorial on the C Programming Language"          Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              82Debut of a column dedicated to the C programming language.                                                                                                                                         
  11. education,training,Educational Testing Service,ETS,overview      J. Levy                                      "Each One Teach One"                                             Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              88Overview of the IBM/ETS (Educational Testing Service of PrincetonNew Jersey) and the secondary school computer education program.                                                                  
  12. BASIC,string parser,tutorial                                     J. Juhasz                                    THE BASIC SOLUTION - "A String Parser in BASIC"                  Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2              98Tutorial on `parsing' with a BASIC program listing as an example.                                                                                                                                  
  13. DOS 2.0,WHEREIS,utility,hard disk,scan,file,directory,tutorial   J. Socha                                     "Socha's Toolbox: The Case of the Missing Files"                 Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             100BASIC program WHEREIS is given, which can be used to create the  utility WHEREIS.COM for scanning all directories on a hard disk  in search of missing files.                                      
  14. bug,correction,KBD_FIX.COM,keyboard,buffer,assembly              J. Socha                                     "Socha's Toolbox: Of Bugs and Men"                               Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             107Bugs and corrections to KBD_FIX.COM (and the BASIC program) pre- sented in the November 1983 issue of Softalk.                                                                                     
  15. word processor,Palantir,review                                   T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz                    THE PROCESSED WORD - "Palantir"                                  Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             108Review of the word processor Palantir (by Palantir Software).                                                                                                                                      
  16. printer,tutorial,reference card                                  J. Dickinson                                 THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part III"           Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             115Summary of the first two articles in this series, followed by    a discussion on how to make the best use of your printer.  Also, a handy reference card for the printer is developed.             
  17. Pascal/MT+,Digital Research,file handling,tutorial               B. Webster and D. Wendt                      PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "Pascal/MT+ File Handling"            Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             120Third (and last) in a series on file handling in Pascal.  This   month Pascal/MT+ (by Digital Research) is featured.                                                                               
  18. BASIC,assembly,DIRECTRY,directory,retrieve,disk,tutorial         H. Glosser                                   "The BASIC Assembly Line: Grabbing the Directory from BASIC"     Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             124Third article in a series showing how to access assembly lang-   uage programs from BASIC.  Subprogram DIRECTRY allows any BASIC  program to retrieve the directory from a disk.                   
  19. review,TK!Solver,Rogue,Checkbase,Witness,Enchanter,Ultralight C..                                             MARKETALK REVIEWS                                                Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             131Review of: TK!Solver (Software Arts), Rogue (AllDesign Systems), Ultralight Command (Fast N Fun Video), Checkbase (International  Microcomputer Software), The Witness and Enchanter (Infocom).    
  20. spreadsheet,finance,money,ratios,tutorial,analysis,template,IBM  J. Grushcow                                  THE PROFIT PLOT - "A Financial Statement Analysis Template"      Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             139Application of concepts (`financial ratios') discussed in two    previous articles.  A detailed financial portrait of IBM is givenas an example of a financial statement analysis spreadsheet.     
  21. hard disk,Winchester,overview,tutorial,consumer                  J. Dickinson                                 "Winchester Cathedral"                                           Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             144Overview of a Winchester hard disk: pros and cons.                                                                                                                                                 
  22. hard disk,IBM PC-XT,compatible,tutorial                          K. Goldstein                                 BOARDS AND BUSES - "Levels of XT Compatibility"                  Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             161Overview tutorial on the levels (he identifies four) of hard diskcompatibility with the IBM PC-XT.                                                                                                 
  23. Comdex,show,review                                               J. Socha                                     "Comdex: The Rite of Autumn"                                     Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             167A review of the Comdex show held in Las Vegas during the last    week of November, 1983.                                                                                                           
  24. eye,cancer,tumor,radiation,graphics,Goitien,Mass General                                                      NEWSPEAK - "Computers Help Doctors Fight Eye Cancer"             Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             176A program created by Dr. M. Goitien of Massachusetts General     Hospital is used to simulate the path of particle beam bombard-  ment, and aid to treating eye tumors with radiation.             
  25. LAPD,ECCS,squad car terminal,police,crime,prevention,training                                                 NEWSPEAK - "Law Enforcement Agencies Enter the Computer Age"     Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             175Use of computers in LAPD squad cars.....for training as well as  for daily street use (e.g., identification, information requests,etc.).                                                           
  26. computer,chess,tourney,ACM                                                                                    NEWSPEAK - "Cray Crunches the Competition in Chess Tourney"      Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             175Review of the World Computer Chess Tournament held every three   years at the Association for Computing Machinery annual conven-  tion (this year, in New York city).                              
  27. assembly,utility,CLEAN,word processor,text,file,fixup,tutorial   R. Duncan                                    THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "The CLEAN Utility"                      Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2             186Program CLEAN is presented for fixing up a text file, created by just about any word processor, so it can be read by other screen editors or line editors.                                         
  28. help,Q&A,rounding,FnErnd,Math Tutor,Disk Handler,UCSD,bug,clock                                               CROSSTALK                                                        Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2               81)Rounding error/function FnErnd, 2)Math Tutor/Alt-123, 3)Defaultdrive status/peek & poke/Disk Handler, 4)UCSD p-System (IV) bug, 5)Cursor traces when running clock program from a batch file.    
  29. help,Q&A,graphics,color,BSAVE,array,Epson,printer,ASCII,RAM disk N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              161)Low-res graphics with C/G card, 2)BSAVE & array size formula,  3)Problem & solution for Epson printer used with PC (ASCII range)4)Installation and use of DOS 2.0 RAM disk.                      
  30. communication,software,option,tutorial                           K. Goldstein                                 COMM LINES - "Communications Software"                           Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              20The role of communications software: features, options,........  ....i.e., essentially "what it does".                                                                                             
  31. company,interview,Lotus,Mitch Kapor                              K. Goldstein                                 "EXEC Lotus: 1-2-3 Steps Ahead"                                  Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              26Interview with Lotus Development Corporation's Mitch Kapor.                                                                                                                                        
  32. DOS 2.0,PRINT,spooling,multitasking,background,tutorial          A. Boyd                                      SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "The Print Command"                            Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              35Tutorial on the PRINT command of DOS 2.0: performing background  printing (i.e., print spooling)......multitasking (in a limited  sense).                                                          
  33. PCjr,survey,uses,beginner,tutorial                               K. Talley-Jones                              BEGINNERS' CORNER - "Preparing for Junior"                       Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              50Restart of this column......with a new emphasis: the PCjr.       This first installment surveys various uses of a high-quality    home computer.                                                   
  34. manufacturing,efficiency,inventory,MRP-II,Twin Oaks,APICS,insert J. B. Young                                  "A Manufacturing System for the PC"                              Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              56Discussion of computerized manufacturing systems that are start- ing to show up for the IBM PC.  The MRP-II program (by Twin Oaks)is reviewed.  [Also, small insert on the society called APICS].  
  35. American Production and Inventory Control Society,APICS,insert   J. B. Young                                                                                                   Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              64Insert in "A Manufacturing System for the PC" by author,         describes the American Production and Inventory Control Society  (APICS).                                                         
  36. interview,E. M. Lichten,medical,Sinai Hospital,Detroit           J. Bradbury                                  "Patient Care: The PC Delivers"                                  Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              66Interview with E. M. Lichten, M.D. and the various uses of the   PC at Sinai Hospital in Detroit.                                                                                                  
  37. spreadsheet,investment,money,portfolio,tutorial                  J. Grushcow                                  THE SPREADSHEET GURU - "Portfolio Analysis"                      Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              75Formerly called THE PROFIT PLOT, the column this month features  a spreadsheet model to show the overall composition of your      investment portfolio.                                            
  38. word processor,Punctuation + Style,StarIndex,VisiWord,WordPerfectT. T. Datz and F. L. Datz                    THE PROCESSED WORD -"Punctuation + Style, StarIndex, and Updates"Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              81Review of Punctuation + Style (by Oasis Systems) and StarIndex   (by MicroPro).  Also, various "updates" to VisiWord and          WordPerfect.                                                     
  39. I/O,port,address,memory,clock,communication,tutorial,fable       J. Dickinson                                 "Tale of the Ports"                                              Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              88Tutorial on I/O ports.....introduced by means of an amusing      little fable (aimed at cautioning about the limited number of    I/O ports available for optional expansion devices).             
  40. printer,tutorial,reference card,command,sequence                 J. Dickinson                                 THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part IV"            Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2              98Completion of last month's "reference card" (for the features of your printer): adding the the command sequences that activate    these features.                                                  
  41. Xenix,graphics,board,DOS 3.0,multilplex,tutorial                 K. Goldstein                                 BOARDS AND BUSES - "Xenix, Graphics Boards, and Multiplexing"    Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             108General comments (rumors) on Xenix, graphics boards, and DOS 3.0.Short tutorial on multiplexing---a way of funneling multiple     information sources through a single information channel.        
  42. software,poll,ballot,popularity                                                                               "The Most Popular Software Poll"                                 Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             112Postage-paid ballot is given along with instructions for voting  on the software you consider best (that were released between    October 1, 1982 and December 31, 1983).                          
  43. C language,branch,loop,while,tutorial                            R. Jaeschke                                  THE C SPOT - "While Loops and Other Matters"                     Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             115Tutorial on the different methods of implementing conditional andunconditional branching and looping with the C language (the     "while" construct).                                              
  44. utility,.COM file,MAKEDATA,WRITECOM,BASIC,tutorial               J. Socha                                     "Behind the Scenes...The Making of a Toolbox Program"            Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             120Program MAKEDATA.BAS is given for converting .COM file into a    list of BASIC data statements.  WRITECOM.BAS reads this data and and builds a .COM file.                                          
  45. review,BioRhythm,ES Painter,Graphics Utility,Jogger,Running,Pits                                              MARKETALK REVIEWS                                                Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             126Review of: BioRhythm (by ColorCorp), ES Painter (by E&S Software)Graphics Utility (by Savant Software), Jogger Logger and Running Log (by BBE Company), and Pits & Stones (by Orion Software).     
  46. UCSD,p-System,Pascal,NCI,IBM,update,review,benchmark             B. Webster and D. Wendt                      PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "UCSD Pascal: An Update"              Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             132Brief recap of the UCSD p-System, a look at NCI's implementation,and an update on the IBM version.                                                                                                 
  47. finance,money,Tax Preparer,HowardSoft,review                     K. Landis                                    MICRO FINANCE - "Tax Preparer, by Howardsoft"                    Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             145Review of a HowardSoft's Tax Preparer (with an example).                                                                                                                                           
  48. BASIC,peek,poke,delay,pause,tutorial                             J. Juhasz                                    THE BASIC SOLUTION - "Peeking, Poking, and Stalling"             Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             154Tutorial on using the peek and poke commands of BASIC.  Also,    techniques for creating delays and pauses in programs.                                                                            
  49. old computers,Forsythe Computer Associates,dismantle,metal                                                    NEWSPEAK - "Chicago Firm Helps Companies Cash In On Obsolete.....Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             159.....Computers".  Forsythe Computer Associates of Chicago        dismantle old computers in order to extract metals.                                                                               
  50. assembly,utility,MARK,CLEAN,TALK,jump,branch,attribute,tutorial  R. Duncan                                    THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "Program Control; The MARK Utility"      Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2             168Tutorial on jumps and branches.  Comments on previous items:     TALK and CLEAN programs.  This month's utility, MARK, demon-     strates modification of file attributes.                         
  51. help,Q&A,hard disk,SHELL,Word,bug,graphics,handicapped,airport                                                CROSSTALK                                                        Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2               81)Advice on recovery after hard disk crash (SHELL), 2)Microsoft  Word bug, 3)GRAPHICS command from BASIC, 4)Mechanical device for handicapped/multiple key strike, 5)Magnetic fields in airports.  
  52. help,Q&A,CHMOD,hidden,read-only,file,byte,Diskette Librarian     N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              161)Program to make files "hidden" or "read-only" (CHMOD.BAS),     2)Program to display total bytes "used", 3)Using Diskette Librar-ian under DOS 2.0, ....continued to next record....              
  53. help,Q&A,ProKey,SuperCalc2,password,protect,keyboard             N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              16...continued from last record... 4)ProKey with SuperCalc2,       5)Password protection program (BASIC), 6)Space bar hangup on     keyboard.                                                        
  54. communication,software,option,XON-XOFF,protocol,tutorial         K. Goldstein                                 COMM LINES - "Features of Communication Software"                Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              20Continuation of last month's topic with a look at the "options"  that "make life nicer".  Discussion of XON-XOFF protocol.                                                                         
  55. IBM,Corona Data Systems,lawsuit,settlement,BIOS,compatible,legal K. Goldstein                                 "IBM Clamps Down on Compatibles: Corona Settles Out of Court"    Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              26IBM filed copyright infringement suits in late January against a number of PC-compatible manufacturers (regarding BIOS similarity)and Corona Data Systems agreed to rewrite the offending software.
  56. law,legal,copyright,Betamax,court,decision,TV,videocassette      H. Swartz                                    "The Impact of the Betamax Decision on the (Sorry) State.........Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              32....of Copyright Law".   U.S. Supreme Court decision of Jan. 17, 1984 decided (5 to 4): owners of videocassette recorders can makecopies of TV programs.  Inpact on computer industry discussed.   
  57. PCjr,beginner,DOS,tutorial                                       K. Talley-Jones                              BEGINNERS' CORNER - "First Conversations with DOS"               Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              40Tutorial on DOS for new PCjr owners.                                                                                                                                                               
  58. BASIC,assembly,SHELLSRT,bubble,sort,string,array,tutorial        H. Glosser                                   "The BASIC Assembly Line: Fast Sorting from BASIC"               Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              52Fourth article in a series showing how to access assembly lang-  uage programs from BASIC.  Subprogram SHELLSRT will sort any     BASIC string array into ascending or descending sequence.        
  59. DOS 2.0,BACKUP,RESTORE,hard disk,device driver,tutorial,CONFIG   A. Boyd                                      SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "Backup and Restore"                           Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              65Tutorial on the BACKUP and RESTORE commands of DOS 2.0.  Also, a discussion on using non-IBM hard drives via the "installable     device driver" (CONFIG.SYS).                                     
  60. word processor,XyWrite II,XyQuest,review                         T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz                    THE PROCESSED WORD -"XyWrite II"                                 Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              74Review of the word processor XyWrite II (by XyQuest).                                                                                                                                              
  61. C language,branch,loop,for,array,tutorial                        R. Jaeschke                                  THE C SPOT - "More Branching and Looping; Arrays"                Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              82Continuation of last month's tutorial on conditional and uncondi-tional branching and looping with the "for" construct.  Also,    arrays are discussed.                                            
  62. game,on-line,BBS,The Source,CompuServe,Plato,Delphi,GameMaster   P. Fitzgibbons                               "Telegaming: A Survey of On-Line Gaming Opportunities"           Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              88Discussion about games that one can play on-line by hooking up   with: The Source, CompuServe, GameMaster, Plato, and Delphi.     A list of some of the BBSs that have "gaming" is given.          
  63. debut,BASIC,beginner,tutorial                                    J. Dickinson                                 BASICALLY SPEAKING                                               Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2              98Column debut.  Beginner's course in BASIC is started.                                                                                                                                              
  64. IBM APL,Watcom APL,Watsoft Products,tutorial,review              B. Filbeck                                   "A Review of Two APL Systems"                                    Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             107A look at the APL language in general and a review of: IBM APL   and Watcom APL Version 2.0 (by Watsoft Products).                                                                                 
  65. technical,engineering,science,8087,chip,tutorial,history,Babbage E. Bogucz                                    "The Analytical Engine"                                          Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             112First in a series of articles devoted to scientific-engineering  applications of the IBM PC.  The 8087 chip is discussed.  Also,  a history book on Charles Babbage is mentioned for history buffs.
  66. printer,tutorial,BASIC,insert,Okidata Microline 84,upgrade       J. Dickinson                                 THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part V"             Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             121Tutorial on how to exercise your printer's intelligence with the help of the PC's BASIC interpreter.  Also, some application pack-ages.  Insert on upgrading the Okidata Microline 84.             
  67. printer,Okidata Microline 84,upgrade,ROM,chip,insert             J. Dickinson                                 "Okidata Update"                                                 Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             128Insert in THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part V" byJ. Dickinson, announces how to upgrade the Microline 84 printer  by obtaining a new set of ROM chips from Okidata Corporation.    
  68. review,PCjr,games,Serpentine,4-Point Graphics,Miner 2049er                                                    MARKETALK REVIEWS                                                Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             130Review of: 1)Thirteen PCjr programs, 2)Serpentine (Broderbund    Software, 3)4-Point Graphics (International Microcomputer Soft-  ware), 4)Miner 2049er (Micro Fun).                               
  69. Small-c:PC,Customer Software,DeSmet C,C Ware,C language,review   R. Jaeschke                                  "A Tale of Two Cs"                                               Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             139Review of: DeSmet C Development System Version 2.2 (by C Ware)   and Small-c:PC C Language Compiler (by Customer Software).                                                                        
  70. finance,Money Track,Pacific Data Systems,accounting,review       K. Landis                                    MICRO FINANCE - "Money Track"                                    Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             147Review of Money Track (by Pacific Data Systems), a general       purpose accounting system.                                                                                                        
  71. Turbo Pascal,Borland International,review,benchmark              B. Webster and D. Wendt                      PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "A Review of Turbo Pascal"            Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             155Review of Turbo Pascal (by Borland International).                                                                                                                                                 
  72. Kurtz,Kemeney,True Basic,structure,ANSI,standard                                                              NEWSPEAK - "Authors Strive to Perfect a Standard BASIC"          Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             173T. Kurtz and J. G. Kemeney, the authors of the first BASIC, have formed a small private company named True Basic.  They intend to introduce a structured version that meets the new ANSI standard. 
  73. assembly,utility,LABEL,volume,DOS 2.0                            R. Duncan                                    THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "Volume Labels"                          Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2             184Discussion on the concept of volumes, how labels are implemented,and a small utility that lets you display or modify volume       labels (LABEL).                                                  
  74. \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \