puzzle,contest "MicroCommotion" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 4Puzzle-contest ($100 worth of software given as a prize).
help,Q&A,BSAVE,bug,WordStar,color,paper,standard,Lister,escape,VW CROSSTALK Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 81)BSAVE bug and correction, 2)Typos in listing (Nov 1983), 3)Met-hod of using printer to keep track of disk files, 4)WordStar 3.24& color,5)Color standard (paper),6)Mr.Lister,7)VW & escape char.
help,Q&A,Professional Editor,SpellStar,patch,PRINTSW,BASIC,stack N. Andrews QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 141)Professional Editor problems, 2)More on BASIC stack residence, 3)DOS 2.0/SpellStar patch, 4)Switching from LPT1 to LPT2 (using PRINTSW).
communication,RS-232,DTR,DSR,CD,standard,tutorial K. Goldstein COMM LINES - "DSR, DTR, CD, and All That Jazz" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 22Tutorial on the RS-232 standard definitions for "Data Set Ready" (DSR), "Data Terminal Ready" (DTR), "Carrier Detect" (CD), and other terminology and concepts.
company,interview,SSI,WordPerfect T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz "EXEC SSI: Practice Makes Perfect" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 26Interview with the management of SSI, creators of WordPerfect.
DOS 2.0,GRAPHICS,ASSIGN,RECOVER,tutorial A. Boyd SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "Graphics, Assign, Recover" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 33Tutorial on some of the new external commands of DOS 2.0: GRAPHICS, ASSIGN, and RECOVER.
finance,money,ProFin,Business Software,review K. Landis MICRO FINANCE - "ProFin" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 42Review of a structured financial analysis package called ProFin (by Business Software).
BASIC 2.0,command,undocumented D. Rollins "New BASIC Commands Uncovered" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 50A list of commands that are in Version 2.0 of BASICA, but were not documented by Microsoft and IBM, are discussed.
Corona,portable,compatible,review J. Pitt "Corona" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 66Review of various products from Corona Data Systems (e.g., the desktop PC and portable PC-compatibles).
C language,debut,tutorial R. Jaeschke THE C SPOT - "A Tutorial on the C Programming Language" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 82Debut of a column dedicated to the C programming language.
education,training,Educational Testing Service,ETS,overview J. Levy "Each One Teach One" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 88Overview of the IBM/ETS (Educational Testing Service of PrincetonNew Jersey) and the secondary school computer education program.
BASIC,string parser,tutorial J. Juhasz THE BASIC SOLUTION - "A String Parser in BASIC" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 98Tutorial on `parsing' with a BASIC program listing as an example.
DOS 2.0,WHEREIS,utility,hard disk,scan,file,directory,tutorial J. Socha "Socha's Toolbox: The Case of the Missing Files" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 100BASIC program WHEREIS is given, which can be used to create the utility WHEREIS.COM for scanning all directories on a hard disk in search of missing files.
bug,correction,KBD_FIX.COM,keyboard,buffer,assembly J. Socha "Socha's Toolbox: Of Bugs and Men" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 107Bugs and corrections to KBD_FIX.COM (and the BASIC program) pre- sented in the November 1983 issue of Softalk.
word processor,Palantir,review T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz THE PROCESSED WORD - "Palantir" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 108Review of the word processor Palantir (by Palantir Software).
printer,tutorial,reference card J. Dickinson THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part III" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 115Summary of the first two articles in this series, followed by a discussion on how to make the best use of your printer. Also, a handy reference card for the printer is developed.
Pascal/MT+,Digital Research,file handling,tutorial B. Webster and D. Wendt PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "Pascal/MT+ File Handling" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 120Third (and last) in a series on file handling in Pascal. This month Pascal/MT+ (by Digital Research) is featured.
BASIC,assembly,DIRECTRY,directory,retrieve,disk,tutorial H. Glosser "The BASIC Assembly Line: Grabbing the Directory from BASIC" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 124Third article in a series showing how to access assembly lang- uage programs from BASIC. Subprogram DIRECTRY allows any BASIC program to retrieve the directory from a disk.
review,TK!Solver,Rogue,Checkbase,Witness,Enchanter,Ultralight C.. MARKETALK REVIEWS Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 131Review of: TK!Solver (Software Arts), Rogue (AllDesign Systems), Ultralight Command (Fast N Fun Video), Checkbase (International Microcomputer Software), The Witness and Enchanter (Infocom).
spreadsheet,finance,money,ratios,tutorial,analysis,template,IBM J. Grushcow THE PROFIT PLOT - "A Financial Statement Analysis Template" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 139Application of concepts (`financial ratios') discussed in two previous articles. A detailed financial portrait of IBM is givenas an example of a financial statement analysis spreadsheet.
hard disk,Winchester,overview,tutorial,consumer J. Dickinson "Winchester Cathedral" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 144Overview of a Winchester hard disk: pros and cons.
hard disk,IBM PC-XT,compatible,tutorial K. Goldstein BOARDS AND BUSES - "Levels of XT Compatibility" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 161Overview tutorial on the levels (he identifies four) of hard diskcompatibility with the IBM PC-XT.
Comdex,show,review J. Socha "Comdex: The Rite of Autumn" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 167A review of the Comdex show held in Las Vegas during the last week of November, 1983.
eye,cancer,tumor,radiation,graphics,Goitien,Mass General NEWSPEAK - "Computers Help Doctors Fight Eye Cancer" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 176A program created by Dr. M. Goitien of Massachusetts General Hospital is used to simulate the path of particle beam bombard- ment, and aid to treating eye tumors with radiation.
LAPD,ECCS,squad car terminal,police,crime,prevention,training NEWSPEAK - "Law Enforcement Agencies Enter the Computer Age" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 175Use of computers in LAPD squad cars.....for training as well as for daily street use (e.g., identification, information requests,etc.).
computer,chess,tourney,ACM NEWSPEAK - "Cray Crunches the Competition in Chess Tourney" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 175Review of the World Computer Chess Tournament held every three years at the Association for Computing Machinery annual conven- tion (this year, in New York city).
assembly,utility,CLEAN,word processor,text,file,fixup,tutorial R. Duncan THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "The CLEAN Utility" Softalk 84/01 Jan v.2 186Program CLEAN is presented for fixing up a text file, created by just about any word processor, so it can be read by other screen editors or line editors.
help,Q&A,rounding,FnErnd,Math Tutor,Disk Handler,UCSD,bug,clock CROSSTALK Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 81)Rounding error/function FnErnd, 2)Math Tutor/Alt-123, 3)Defaultdrive status/peek & poke/Disk Handler, 4)UCSD p-System (IV) bug, 5)Cursor traces when running clock program from a batch file.
help,Q&A,graphics,color,BSAVE,array,Epson,printer,ASCII,RAM disk N. Andrews QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 161)Low-res graphics with C/G card, 2)BSAVE & array size formula, 3)Problem & solution for Epson printer used with PC (ASCII range)4)Installation and use of DOS 2.0 RAM disk.
communication,software,option,tutorial K. Goldstein COMM LINES - "Communications Software" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 20The role of communications software: features, options,........ ....i.e., essentially "what it does".
company,interview,Lotus,Mitch Kapor K. Goldstein "EXEC Lotus: 1-2-3 Steps Ahead" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 26Interview with Lotus Development Corporation's Mitch Kapor.
DOS 2.0,PRINT,spooling,multitasking,background,tutorial A. Boyd SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "The Print Command" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 35Tutorial on the PRINT command of DOS 2.0: performing background printing (i.e., print spooling)......multitasking (in a limited sense).
PCjr,survey,uses,beginner,tutorial K. Talley-Jones BEGINNERS' CORNER - "Preparing for Junior" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 50Restart of this column......with a new emphasis: the PCjr. This first installment surveys various uses of a high-quality home computer.
manufacturing,efficiency,inventory,MRP-II,Twin Oaks,APICS,insert J. B. Young "A Manufacturing System for the PC" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 56Discussion of computerized manufacturing systems that are start- ing to show up for the IBM PC. The MRP-II program (by Twin Oaks)is reviewed. [Also, small insert on the society called APICS].
American Production and Inventory Control Society,APICS,insert J. B. Young Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 64Insert in "A Manufacturing System for the PC" by author, describes the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS).
interview,E. M. Lichten,medical,Sinai Hospital,Detroit J. Bradbury "Patient Care: The PC Delivers" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 66Interview with E. M. Lichten, M.D. and the various uses of the PC at Sinai Hospital in Detroit.
spreadsheet,investment,money,portfolio,tutorial J. Grushcow THE SPREADSHEET GURU - "Portfolio Analysis" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 75Formerly called THE PROFIT PLOT, the column this month features a spreadsheet model to show the overall composition of your investment portfolio.
word processor,Punctuation + Style,StarIndex,VisiWord,WordPerfectT. T. Datz and F. L. Datz THE PROCESSED WORD -"Punctuation + Style, StarIndex, and Updates"Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 81Review of Punctuation + Style (by Oasis Systems) and StarIndex (by MicroPro). Also, various "updates" to VisiWord and WordPerfect.
I/O,port,address,memory,clock,communication,tutorial,fable J. Dickinson "Tale of the Ports" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 88Tutorial on I/O ports.....introduced by means of an amusing little fable (aimed at cautioning about the limited number of I/O ports available for optional expansion devices).
printer,tutorial,reference card,command,sequence J. Dickinson THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part IV" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 98Completion of last month's "reference card" (for the features of your printer): adding the the command sequences that activate these features.
Xenix,graphics,board,DOS 3.0,multilplex,tutorial K. Goldstein BOARDS AND BUSES - "Xenix, Graphics Boards, and Multiplexing" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 108General comments (rumors) on Xenix, graphics boards, and DOS 3.0.Short tutorial on multiplexing---a way of funneling multiple information sources through a single information channel.
software,poll,ballot,popularity "The Most Popular Software Poll" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 112Postage-paid ballot is given along with instructions for voting on the software you consider best (that were released between October 1, 1982 and December 31, 1983).
C language,branch,loop,while,tutorial R. Jaeschke THE C SPOT - "While Loops and Other Matters" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 115Tutorial on the different methods of implementing conditional andunconditional branching and looping with the C language (the "while" construct).
utility,.COM file,MAKEDATA,WRITECOM,BASIC,tutorial J. Socha "Behind the Scenes...The Making of a Toolbox Program" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 120Program MAKEDATA.BAS is given for converting .COM file into a list of BASIC data statements. WRITECOM.BAS reads this data and and builds a .COM file.
review,BioRhythm,ES Painter,Graphics Utility,Jogger,Running,Pits MARKETALK REVIEWS Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 126Review of: BioRhythm (by ColorCorp), ES Painter (by E&S Software)Graphics Utility (by Savant Software), Jogger Logger and Running Log (by BBE Company), and Pits & Stones (by Orion Software).
UCSD,p-System,Pascal,NCI,IBM,update,review,benchmark B. Webster and D. Wendt PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "UCSD Pascal: An Update" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 132Brief recap of the UCSD p-System, a look at NCI's implementation,and an update on the IBM version.
finance,money,Tax Preparer,HowardSoft,review K. Landis MICRO FINANCE - "Tax Preparer, by Howardsoft" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 145Review of a HowardSoft's Tax Preparer (with an example).
BASIC,peek,poke,delay,pause,tutorial J. Juhasz THE BASIC SOLUTION - "Peeking, Poking, and Stalling" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 154Tutorial on using the peek and poke commands of BASIC. Also, techniques for creating delays and pauses in programs.
old computers,Forsythe Computer Associates,dismantle,metal NEWSPEAK - "Chicago Firm Helps Companies Cash In On Obsolete.....Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 159.....Computers". Forsythe Computer Associates of Chicago dismantle old computers in order to extract metals.
assembly,utility,MARK,CLEAN,TALK,jump,branch,attribute,tutorial R. Duncan THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "Program Control; The MARK Utility" Softalk 84/02 Feb v.2 168Tutorial on jumps and branches. Comments on previous items: TALK and CLEAN programs. This month's utility, MARK, demon- strates modification of file attributes.
help,Q&A,hard disk,SHELL,Word,bug,graphics,handicapped,airport CROSSTALK Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 81)Advice on recovery after hard disk crash (SHELL), 2)Microsoft Word bug, 3)GRAPHICS command from BASIC, 4)Mechanical device for handicapped/multiple key strike, 5)Magnetic fields in airports.
help,Q&A,CHMOD,hidden,read-only,file,byte,Diskette Librarian N. Andrews QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 161)Program to make files "hidden" or "read-only" (CHMOD.BAS), 2)Program to display total bytes "used", 3)Using Diskette Librar-ian under DOS 2.0, ....continued to next record....
help,Q&A,ProKey,SuperCalc2,password,protect,keyboard N. Andrews QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 16...continued from last record... 4)ProKey with SuperCalc2, 5)Password protection program (BASIC), 6)Space bar hangup on keyboard.
communication,software,option,XON-XOFF,protocol,tutorial K. Goldstein COMM LINES - "Features of Communication Software" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 20Continuation of last month's topic with a look at the "options" that "make life nicer". Discussion of XON-XOFF protocol.
IBM,Corona Data Systems,lawsuit,settlement,BIOS,compatible,legal K. Goldstein "IBM Clamps Down on Compatibles: Corona Settles Out of Court" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 26IBM filed copyright infringement suits in late January against a number of PC-compatible manufacturers (regarding BIOS similarity)and Corona Data Systems agreed to rewrite the offending software.
law,legal,copyright,Betamax,court,decision,TV,videocassette H. Swartz "The Impact of the Betamax Decision on the (Sorry) State.........Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 32....of Copyright Law". U.S. Supreme Court decision of Jan. 17, 1984 decided (5 to 4): owners of videocassette recorders can makecopies of TV programs. Inpact on computer industry discussed.
PCjr,beginner,DOS,tutorial K. Talley-Jones BEGINNERS' CORNER - "First Conversations with DOS" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 40Tutorial on DOS for new PCjr owners.
BASIC,assembly,SHELLSRT,bubble,sort,string,array,tutorial H. Glosser "The BASIC Assembly Line: Fast Sorting from BASIC" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 52Fourth article in a series showing how to access assembly lang- uage programs from BASIC. Subprogram SHELLSRT will sort any BASIC string array into ascending or descending sequence.
DOS 2.0,BACKUP,RESTORE,hard disk,device driver,tutorial,CONFIG A. Boyd SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "Backup and Restore" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 65Tutorial on the BACKUP and RESTORE commands of DOS 2.0. Also, a discussion on using non-IBM hard drives via the "installable device driver" (CONFIG.SYS).
word processor,XyWrite II,XyQuest,review T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz THE PROCESSED WORD -"XyWrite II" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 74Review of the word processor XyWrite II (by XyQuest).
C language,branch,loop,for,array,tutorial R. Jaeschke THE C SPOT - "More Branching and Looping; Arrays" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 82Continuation of last month's tutorial on conditional and uncondi-tional branching and looping with the "for" construct. Also, arrays are discussed.
game,on-line,BBS,The Source,CompuServe,Plato,Delphi,GameMaster P. Fitzgibbons "Telegaming: A Survey of On-Line Gaming Opportunities" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 88Discussion about games that one can play on-line by hooking up with: The Source, CompuServe, GameMaster, Plato, and Delphi. A list of some of the BBSs that have "gaming" is given.
debut,BASIC,beginner,tutorial J. Dickinson BASICALLY SPEAKING Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 98Column debut. Beginner's course in BASIC is started.
IBM APL,Watcom APL,Watsoft Products,tutorial,review B. Filbeck "A Review of Two APL Systems" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 107A look at the APL language in general and a review of: IBM APL and Watcom APL Version 2.0 (by Watsoft Products).
technical,engineering,science,8087,chip,tutorial,history,Babbage E. Bogucz "The Analytical Engine" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 112First in a series of articles devoted to scientific-engineering applications of the IBM PC. The 8087 chip is discussed. Also, a history book on Charles Babbage is mentioned for history buffs.
printer,tutorial,BASIC,insert,Okidata Microline 84,upgrade J. Dickinson THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part V" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 121Tutorial on how to exercise your printer's intelligence with the help of the PC's BASIC interpreter. Also, some application pack-ages. Insert on upgrading the Okidata Microline 84.
printer,Okidata Microline 84,upgrade,ROM,chip,insert J. Dickinson "Okidata Update" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 128Insert in THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part V" byJ. Dickinson, announces how to upgrade the Microline 84 printer by obtaining a new set of ROM chips from Okidata Corporation.
Small-c:PC,Customer Software,DeSmet C,C Ware,C language,review R. Jaeschke "A Tale of Two Cs" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 139Review of: DeSmet C Development System Version 2.2 (by C Ware) and Small-c:PC C Language Compiler (by Customer Software).
finance,Money Track,Pacific Data Systems,accounting,review K. Landis MICRO FINANCE - "Money Track" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 147Review of Money Track (by Pacific Data Systems), a general purpose accounting system.
Turbo Pascal,Borland International,review,benchmark B. Webster and D. Wendt PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "A Review of Turbo Pascal" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 155Review of Turbo Pascal (by Borland International).
Kurtz,Kemeney,True Basic,structure,ANSI,standard NEWSPEAK - "Authors Strive to Perfect a Standard BASIC" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 173T. Kurtz and J. G. Kemeney, the authors of the first BASIC, have formed a small private company named True Basic. They intend to introduce a structured version that meets the new ANSI standard.
assembly,utility,LABEL,volume,DOS 2.0 R. Duncan THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "Volume Labels" Softalk 84/03 Mar v.2 184Discussion on the concept of volumes, how labels are implemented,and a small utility that lets you display or modify volume labels (LABEL).